Seminole County Fire Department
Employee of the Month
August, 2017
Firefighter Grant Harris is the kind of employee that every Lieutenant would like to have on this crew. He is very well versed on the many different pieces of equipment here at station 34 and can easily move from one assignment to the next with ease and skill. He is well liked by all his peers and has always had positive interaction with customers that he comes into contact with. He is one of the tanker drivers at station 34 “B” shift and has been responsible for checking off several other individuals to be qualified on this unit. Whether it is a BT34, WD34, UTV34, TK34, R34 or E34 alarm, I am always confident that Grant will get the job done at a high level of proficiency.
Around the station, Grant is often the “GO To” man. I count on him to handle many various day to day duties as well as any special assignments that may arise. He is always willing and eager to do whatever is asked of him to make things better for not only his crew, but for the citizens of Seminole County. Grant will often find little things that get over looked by most people and will do what is necessary to correct the issue. He has sent, as he calls them “strongly worded E-mails” to me about issues needing correction from vehicle problems, equipment needs, etc., to getting a washer and dryer for the station. Grant is that employee who is always on the ready to help a fellow crew member without being asked. He has spent countless hours assisting with mentoring many new hires that have come through station 34. Being on TK34 can sometimes be a lonely assignment. Grant however utilizes this time to take care of projects around the station as well as keeping up with all that is happening in his first due area (there is a lot on new construction in 34’s area).
In short, Grant is a quality employee that is doing a quality job for the citizens of Seminole County.
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